JS frameworks

JS Frameworks Under The Spotlight – How To Choose The Right One?

Monday, 25 November, 2019 Updated on Tuesday, 13 July, 2021 by Eton Digital team

Each of the JS frameworks is built to make the development of sophisticated web apps easy and fast. Thanks to them, your development team can build any kind of app in a short amount of time. 

JS frameworks today?

Angular, for example, is developed and maintained by Google. The credibility of the company adds extra value but the framework did earn credits due to its powerful features which means that Angular development is a perfect choice for many projects.  

React is also a big player. Created by Facebook in 2013 as a cross-platform software using JavaScript, part of its popularity is also coming from the development company that built it. 

However, React proved to be a  flexible library that allows developers to choose the tools according to the project needs. 

And we must not forget about Vue js. There are more projects using it and more and more developers loving it.

TOP-12 most popular frameworks, libraries, and tools are Angular, React and NodeJS, according to StackOverflow Developer Survey 2018.  

js frameworks

Yet, you can still choose from a variety of other JS frameworks. You can find the one that will fit your project and budget. 

How can you know which JS framework suits your project best?

Let’s see the available options. We have put the highlights on the most popular JS frameworks and dissect their main features and performance. 

JS frameworks

To sum up,

Before you choose your front-end technology, take a closer look at the type and scope of your project and your personal preferences. In the end, seek advice from an experienced development team or your team lead. 

If you don’t have one by your side,  we will gladly provide you with the right answers. 

If you are looking for development tips straight from our team, make sure to check out our blog for more great insights (especially if you are looking for more information about JS frameworks and libraries, such as jsPlumb).

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