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Case study

Custom mobile app development to surpass competitors

Project type

Mobile application development

In an increasingly mobile-centric world, custom mobile app development is vital for businesses seeking to stand out in today's competitive landscape. Bespoke mobile apps are tailored to meet specific needs, enhancing functionality and user experience, which helps businesses deliver personalised experience to their target market. Discover more about our mobile development work and how we help our clients differentiate themselves and build brand loyalty.

What we did

Louenna mobile app

Louenna parenting mobile app is a know-how mobile app that provides parents and child caregivers with the most extensive parenting knowledge and advice. Louenna app is the first app of its kind designed to answer every parenting question their target audience may have, making it a comprehensive guide readily available in their pockets 24/7.

Since its launch in 2020, the Louenna app has been one of the most downloaded parenting apps on the market.

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Rewarding joint venture

The successful collaboration between our expert mobile app design and development teams resulted in the creation of a multi award mobile app. With over 45,000 instals via the App Store alone, we take immense pride in contributing to such an app that has become a trusted resource for parents worldwide.

The Louenna app has been an invaluable partner in providing parents with timely and accurate information whenever they need it, reaffirming the importance of our partnership in delivering impactful solutions that make a difference in people's lives.

Rewarding joint venture

Cutting-edge features

Although initially envisioned as a knowledge resource filled with articles for users to access and find relevant information, the Louenna app evolved to meet market needs. The Louenna team responded to user feedback by creating a list of revolutionary and essential features that their app needed to have. Our team listened carefully and developed innovative functionalities that supported the app's growth.

This led to the creation of interactive Feeding Timer and Logs, enabling users to track feeding times throughout the day. Additionally, we incorporated an impressive Vimeo-powered Video Library, offering invaluable video content to all parents, along with Printable Packs containing ready-to-print checklists.

Cutting-edge features

Exceptional tech stack

Mobile apps must have an impressive tech stack to support their growth, create a seamless user experience, and stay up-to-date with modern market needs. Our teams chose Flutter because it's an open-source framework by Google, enabling the development of cross-platform applications from a single codebase for web, Fuchsia, Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, and Windows. For the backend, we opted for PHP due to its cross-platform compatibility and flexibility.

Additionally, our teams integrated RevenueCat to manage customer data, build, analyse, and grow in-app subscriptions, providing invaluable assistance to our clients. We also incorporated Mixpanel, a powerful product analytics tool that provides valuable insights to stakeholders on the Louenna team.

Exceptional tech stack

Spiracle Player

The Spiracle Player is a custom mobile app that offers carefully curated literary fiction and non-fiction audiobooks. Empowering independent publishers, Spiracle facilitates low-cost access to the audiobook market, fostering shared campaigns and targeting new readers.

The Spiracle Player app brings this library to your phone or tablet, offering an unparalleled listening experience designed for discerning enthusiasts.

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Ongoing successful collaboration

Since we joined forces in 2021 to create a Spiracle web app, we have fostered a strong relationship with the Spiracle team. Our mutual goal was to develop a mobile app that would support Spiracle's user base growth and enable them to discover and support independent writers worldwide. This required the mobile app to provide a smooth, seamless user experience and allow offline audiobook listening, irrespective of internet access.

Together, the Spiracle team and our mobile design and development teams created the Spiracle Player, making a difference in the lives of audiobook lovers.

Ongoing successful collaboration

Offline-first mobile app

Offline-first mobile apps operate seamlessly without internet access, ensuring core functionality remains intact even in offline scenarios. Unlike traditional apps reliant on distant cloud data centres, offline-first apps eliminate internet dependencies, ensuring uninterrupted performance.

By adopting an offline-first approach, our app developers prioritised speed, reliability, and user satisfaction. This strategy isn't just for remote use cases; it's becoming the standard for mobile app development, offering benefits like enhanced user experience, increased adoption rates, and improved user retention. These are all important aspects which were all taken into account when we started working on the Spiracle Player app.

Offline-first mobile app

Efficient data sync

Since Spiracle has both a web and mobile app, it was of utmost importance to enable efficient data sync. Our mobile development team carefully chose a tech stack to create a mobile app that ticks all the boxes and provides users with a seamless experience. Once again, we opted for Flutter because it offers a single codebase for building cross-platform applications, enabling faster development, consistent performance, and a native-like user experience.

Thanks to data sync, Spiracle users can seamlessly switch between listening to audiobooks on their phones and the web app without worrying about losing their progress which is a huge milestone in developing such an app.

Efficient data sync

Sketch2 Image

Sketch2Image is an innovative Android app utilising AI technology and an Image Generator to revolutionise sketch transformation into artistic images. With advanced algorithms, it elevates digital sketching, allowing users, whether kids, amateurs or professionals, to showcase creativity.

Key features include an intelligent neural network for precise analysis and an Image Generator generating lifelike images from sketches, offering a wide range of artistic styles. Sketch2Image is intuitive, offering endless possibilities for transforming doodles into stunning artworks.

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An internal project demonstrating our expertise

Sketch2Image is EtonDigital's internal project, providing us with opportunities to innovate, experiment, and apply cutting-edge technologies. This project not only enhances team skills but also serves as a powerful demonstration of our capabilities to both clients and stakeholders.

Additionally, Sketch2Image has helped foster collaboration and creativity, enabling us to develop innovative features to offer our clients when providing custom mobile app development services.

The role of internal projects in demonstrating our expertise

Stable Diffusion and Replicate for the win

To maximise user creativity, regardless of their artistic abilities, our teams chose Stable Diffusion and Replicate methodologies. Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image diffusion model, generates photo-realistic images given any text input, enabling Sketch2Image users to create stunning artwork quickly. Meanwhile, Replicate facilitates the deployment and scaling of AI features to meet our business needs.

These methodologies enhance the app's accuracy, speed, and scalability, ensuring a reliable and efficient AI experience across diverse devices and scenarios.

Stable Diffusion and Replicate for the win

A broad target market

While initially envisioned as a mobile app for children to explore and create admirable artwork using Sketch2Image, our target audience has expanded to include adult users as well. Based on feedback, we've found that although the app is popular with children, many adults also enjoy showcasing their artistic skills.

With features like text-to-image functionality and different categories, adults are encouraged to develop their creativity daily, regardless of their skill level.

A broad target market

Ready to invest in custom mobile app development?

With a diverse portfolio of projects, our mobile design and development teams boast a proven track record in creating both native and hybrid mobile apps. This enables us to consistently deliver innovative solutions to address our clients' pain points and provide top-notch custom mobile app development services. Get in touch with us today to discover how we can make your mobile app the best on the market.

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