benefits of woocommerce

9 Benefits Of WooCommerce For Retailers And Startups

Tuesday, 2 June, 2020 Updated on Wednesday, 17 November, 2021 by Eton Digital team

Online shopping has been on the rise for quite some time now, but with the current events globally, it’s all the rage. One of the names we have been hearing about a lot in this field is WooCommerce. We decided to explain all the benefits of WooCommerce for retailers and ecommerce startups.

Many existing businesses are in a rush to go online. Besides, there are also a lot of fresh businesses who would like to get in the game. 

There are numerous eCommerce platforms available to retailers worldwide. Some are hosted, some are self-hosted. According to their official website, there are over 5 million active installations of WooCommerce WordPress plugin.

What benefits of WooCommerce development make it a popular choice for online retailers?

#1 The price: retailers get a conversion-oriented cost-effective solution 

One of the first features you will come across when it comes to WooCommerce is its price. It comes for free. In addition, it comes with a number of free plug-ins you can use, as well as those that have a price tag.

A free tool is always welcome when you are only starting a business. Enjoy this boost by a reliable eCommerce platform. 

WordPress is still the most popular CMS in the world with around 60% of the market share. Having originated as a WordPress plugin, WooCommerce is the best fit for your WordPress website. You can also migrate your shops from other platforms (BigCommerce, Shopify, Prestashop…) to WooCommerce. 

WordPress is not only considered to be the most popular way to create your own website or blog, it is a reliable CMS, user-friendly and intuitive, with great content organisation architecture. 

This makes WooCommerce reliable just like its base CMS and it also makes it quite simple to use. If you know your way around WordPress, WooCommerce will not be a novelty. If you don’t, you will pick it up quickly.

#3 Social media integration: WooCommerce makes it easy to meet the needs of social media users 

Social media presence is extremely important in today’s world. WooCommerce allows fast and easy social media integration helping you effectively reach out to your audiences by sharing your content, news, promotions, etc.

What’s more, with effective social media plugins, you will make yet another step toward good customer experience. Your customers will be able to log in with their social media accounts. Seeing that most people are already logged into their social media on their devices, they will be a click away from accessing your store.

#4 Full control: You are equipped with tools to direct your business 

You are the owner and the boss of your WooCommerce store. It is self-hosted so there is no need to wait on anyone as you would with a hosted platform. Your online store will be integrated with the rest of your online efforts, easily and efficiently. Your website and your blog will be right there, working alongside the store on attracting more business.

#5 Customisation: Use WooCommerce to create a competitive advantage 

Just because you run an online store it does not mean you do not get to dress your window. Let your brand shine through your online store. With WooCommerce you will be able to create pretty much anything you imagine. 

You will be able to use both default and custom created WordPress themes. We always recommend custom themes, because they are unique and designed just for you, have better customisation options and you can choose only the features you need while purchasing or creating one.

Use the benefits of custom ecommerce development opportunity and do not underestimate the power of running a beautiful store. 

#6 Enhanced customer experience: More satisfied customers mean more business

One of the benefits of WooCommerce is an opportunity to truly speak to your customers in their language by adjusting references such as measurement units to your location.

WooCommerce Marketplace User Experience Guidelines help in aligning your product’s experience with WooCommerce’s ease of use, seamless integration, and strong UX adoption.

For onboarding – design an informative and useful notification. For better navigation – create a menu structure that places product navigation elements within the existing WooCommerce taxonomy.

You can make sure users get the feel of your products by adding numerous photos. The gallery is unlimited, as well as the space in the product listing. Also, your customers will not be wasting time while on your website because they can use filters to get quickly to what they need. 

Finally, you can include your customer’s reviews and ratings alongside your products. Use this to show off the quality of your experience and show appreciation for your customers.

#7 You can sell anything: No limits to retailers and eCommerce business ideas

The beauty of  WooCommerce’s flexibility and customization options is that it can fit any retail concept. This means that you can sell pretty much anything and you will have enough options to present it, offer it, and finally, make a sale.

With WooCommerce you can sell physical products, virtual products, charge for services, receive donations, etc. With many features and plug-ins available, you can pretty much adapt it to any functionality you need. One of the inventive ways WooCommerce has been used is as a part of accounting services as it can generate invoices.

#8 Simplified payments: Benefit from a seamless check-out and boost sales 

A crucial element of any online store is its payment system. WooCommerce provides built-in payment gateways which makes your job easier. You will be able to easily deal with transactions through PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, Square, and several more.

As extremely secure payment methods, they are good for both, you and your customers.

It is very important to use a trustworthy payment method as anything less than that could affect your sales

For example, one of our clients, Big Tent Ideas Festival, sells membership. A member’s account is linked to WooCommerce and a certain amount is automatically deducted from their Stripe account (a Stripe account was a client requirement, however other payment providers can be integrated as well) monthly, depending on the length of the period the membership package they are purchasing. 

#9 Analytics and support: Track everything to organise your e-shop effectively 

An important part when doing business is the ability to track your progress. WooCommerce has great analytic tools to help you sum up and draw conclusions based on your sales and efforts.

Another way WooCommerce can help you is by providing technical and customer support. Any questions you may have, you can discuss it with their customer support team.

As dropshipping and affiliate marketing are extremely popular ways of earning money nowadays, you can use the tracking tools to organize such stores. You can make sales without actually having any products on stock and your suppliers will be able to receive orders and keep a record of where they came from. 

Entrepreneurs are usually innovative people with a lot of ideas. What they do not like is limits and WooCommerce is working to push the limits as far as possible. 

Being simple to use, highly customisable, and supported by the most popular CMS out there are the main benefits of WooCommerce which make it truly stand out.

If you are starting your online shop, send us a message to check all the great benefits of WooCommerce.

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