Blockchain Environment Startups

10 Blockchain Startups Transforming the Environment

Monday, 20 November, 2017 Updated on Wednesday, 14 July, 2021 by Eton Digital team

The blockchain and the environment, what’s the connection? How decentralised and peer-to-peer ecological systems can empower social activism? Eco-friendly blockchain startups can be used to solve the major environmental problems we face today.

Transparency and veracity across the digital information ecosystem are some of the reasons. Forestry, energy, fisheries, organic food and mining industries can benefit from blockchain.

But why should you trust blockchain?

This is what we know until now:

  • Blockchain forms an unbroken, verifiable chain of custody for whatever good or service is being exchanged and nobody can tamper with the records. Old and new transactions are both saved to the ledger.
  • Blockchain maintains independence from financial institutions and national governance.
  • It operates through a decentralised platform requiring no central supervision, while still remaining resistant to fraud.
  • People can use blockchain as a digital signature.

How blockchain startups contribute to society

It seems that the blockchain can do many things in many industries: increase the sustainability of industries, improve people’s life, evoke humanity and contribute to the environment, and it’s no surprise many startups are using blockchain technology

So, take a look at blockchain startups that do their bit to society.

#1 A Blockchain Startup Tracing the Origin of Products: Provenance

Blockchain records the transactions openly and permanently to the ledger, enabling more secure, transparent monitoring of transactions. It allows you to see how products are coming from the point A to the point-of-sale or final deployment. All transactions are documented, so blockchain reduces time delays, added costs, and human errors.

Provenance is one of the blockchain startups that built the traceability system for materials and products. First of all, it gives consumers information about suppliers by tracing the origins and histories of products. This platform helps businesses to build trust with their goods and supply chain in order to help shoppers choose the product they need.

Provenance platform could be great for a variety of industry categories. One of these is the luxury goods industry because the technology can win the battle against counterfeit goods by tracking their origin.

Provenance partnered with the Soil Association to launch an Android app that will help people recognize a fraud. As a result, consumers will be able to scan the digital certification symbol and find out whether the food is gluten free or dairy free and organic.

#2 Track Bitcoin Donations to Nonprofits with BitGive Foundation

The mission of BitGive is to “leverage the power of Bitcoin and Blockchain technology to improve public health and the environment worldwide”.

The project was initiated by the BitGive Foundation that is revolutionizing the way in which people donate to charity. The foundation launched GiveTrack, a multidimensional donation platform to help to transfer, track, and provide a permanent record of charitable financial transactions across the globe. Unfortunately, the bribable charity sector still exists, but this startup could destroy it.

GiveTrack can evoke humanity and make people do more by driving stronger trust with donors. Transparency goes with humanity. This relationship could be crucial for donors and another proof how startups using blockchain technology can addresses important social problems.

#3 Empowers Green Economy with Poseidon Foundation

top environmental startups
Connecting and supporting long-term sustainability agendas

“Our purpose is to aid the transformation to a ‘green’ economy by using our 360-degree solution to bridge the emissions gap”. They quantify the environmental and social causes of climate change and support projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and provide critical support to the communities who look after the most delicate ecosystems on our planet.

Poseidon foundation funds projects by buying their ‘carbon credits’ – for each metric ton of CO2 emissions averted, one ‘carbon credit’ is created.

#4 Cut Energy Usage with Electron Blockchain Platform

Electron is a blockchain startups that cut energy usage
More efficient, resilient and flexible systems for the energy sector with the help of the Electron

Electron is a UK-based startup that aims to help UK households cut their energy usage by using blockchain technology. The vision of this blockchain startup is “to capitalise on the opportunities presented by the rapid changes in the energy market being driven by decarbonisation, decentralisation, digitisation, and democratisation.

Peer-to-peer protocols and blockchain technology are already evolving the way the web is structured and operates. This useful technology is recording data and meter readings with cryptography.

However, Electron is providing the greatest benefit to all market participants. Millions of homes in the UK have already fitted with smart meters, which proves to be an advantageous industry for the start-up to progress in.

It seems that Electron is the first energy blockchain platform scaled to a national level, using data to simulate 53 million meters and 60 suppliers.

#5 Profit From the Solar Electricity You Produce with SolarCoin Blockchain Startup

Launched in January 2014, SolarCoin is a cryptocurrency earned by generating solar electricity. Inspired by BitCoin and blockchain startups whereby transactions are recorded and validated by a peer to peer network of computers. The company provides an automated token system that pays people for the electricity they produce.

Who can profit from this platform?

Well, both individuals living in homes with solar energy panels on their roofs and commercial solar electricity producers. This platform is free and any solar owner receives SolarCoins for electricity that his photovoltaic installation generates.

The SolarCoin can be sent to a BitCoin wallet, but it can also be converted into hard cash after.

#6 Deliver Cheap and Clean Solar Energy with ElectriCChain

Startups that use blockchain to protect the environment
This platform provides dynamic posting of live solar production data to a single blockchain as the standard
communications protocol for the solar industry

ElectriCChain is an open solar energy generation data project which is the leading business development unit in the SolarCoin ecosystem.

This platform helps government institutions and the solar industry to deliver cheap and clean solar energy for future generations. Using blockchain technology and SolarCoin as a digital asset, ElectriCChain connects other related affiliates that act in the field of blockchain and digital assets aiming to initiate the energy transition.

The ElectriCChain is developing Solar Energy Blockchain-related projects under Observation of Business Partners such as GridSingularity / Ethereum, Chain of Things, IOTA, BitSeed and the MIT, NASA, and IBM.

#7 Reduce Plastic Pollution with a Cryptocurrency: Oxyn

A cryptocurrency designed to reduce plastic pollution
A cryptocurrency designed to reduce plastic pollution

“The OxFoundation’s mission is to empower non-profit and for-profit organizations with the power of free of charge, fast and scalable blockchain ecosystem and cryptocurrency to efficiently fight plastic pollution.”

For each that goes through the Oxyn system, they donate 5% of the transaction to a lot of pro-environmental causes. The Green Wallet is a tool that facilitates these transactions.

#8 Support a Solar-powered Planet with SolarCoin

SolarCoin Foundation has one goal: to encourage a solar-powered planet, consistently communicating and developing the SolarCoin ecosystem and supporting solar producers. This is a a foundation for the global energy transition.

SolarCoin foundation supports solar producers with bitcoin

#9 Stop Ocean Plastic with Social Plastic (aka Plastic Bank)

The Plastic Bank is globally recognized as one of the most important solutions to stop Ocean plastic.

By turning waste into currency, Plastic bank is trying to stop the flow of plastic into an ocean. They are setting up collection centers in third world countries where people can set down used plastic in exchange for currency, services like phone charging, or items like cooking fuel or soap. Plastic collected through The Plastic Bank is recycled and sold at a premium as Social Plastic.

Plastic Bank is a partner with IBM and they are trying to unite and empower recycling ecosystem to safely transfer as much value as possible into the hands of collectors.

The goal is to help people who live in poverty to build a better future. That can happen by enabling the exchange of plastic for money, items or Blockchain secured digital tokens.

#10 Support Charities with Bitcoin Crowdfunding: BitHope

Support charities with bitcoin crowdfunding
BitHope could wake up humanity in people

It’s no secret that many generated funds don’t end up with the final beneficiary.

Thanks to the amazing characteristics of cryptocurrency, BitHope can help you check the balance and transaction history of that address you aim to donate, but only the BitHope Foundation has access to them.

Made by BitHope Foundation, this platform is the first Bulgarian non-governmental organisation for the public benefit that only uses the cryptocurrency. BitHope converts your bitcoins into concrete good for the people, animals, and the environment.

The great thing about the foundation is that it can help local charities promote their campaigns internationally. They receive bitcoin donations and improve the image of cryptocurrencies, but only if it is able to sustain itself. Therefore, your bitcoins can give hope!

The rise of blockchain startups focused on ecology or social good

As you can see, there is a great opportunity to connect the blockchain and environment and change our social and ecological environment. The number of blockchain startups and those that use cryptocurrencies is constantly growing.

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