Smashing Magazine praise for SprintBio design

Sunday, 13 April, 2008 Updated on Wednesday, 3 April, 2024 by Eton Digital team

Smashing Magazine has featured EtonDigital’s design for SprintBio in a recent review on footer use in modern web design. The article examines the significance of the footer space, and provides examples of creative approaches to this area. SprintBio has been selected for its effective use of colour to separate content types.

The footer space can often be an overlooked and even ignored aspect of web design. However, if approached in a creative manner, the footer offers developers more freedom than many other sections of a site.

Importantly, the footer is free from having to attract users to a site – it is pretty much never the point of first contact – and consequently it can be used for other purposes, such as defining an individual identity for a design. We believe it would be a missed opportunity not to use the potential offered by this unique section of a site.

As well as SprintBio, EtonDigital’s own website design is also currently proving popular with reviewers. Simple Entrepreneur and Noupe both featured the site in recent analyses of effective web 2.0 design, in particular praising button design and WordPress integration.

We appreciate the feedback and recognition – thanks to all involved!

Dejan Levi

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