eton digital 10 years

10 Years, 10 Highlights

Friday, 28 December, 2018 Updated on Tuesday, 2 April, 2024 by Eton Digital team

We are celebrating a decade of our business in Serbia this month and wish to shed light on our achievements. Thus, we are sharing with you our 10 most important moments, memorable events, and activities that helped us create a company that we are today.  

#1 Our mission was to change the web

Needless to say, the sun was shining and the weather was perfect that day…But WHY did we start?

‘Our mission was to change the web so it can be accessible to all & raise awareness of the bad practices in web design and development trends from the early noughties’, to quote our CEO Boban Tanovic

We are proud to say that we’ve achieved this, and much more.

#2 8 of our first employees are still with us

We’ll try not to sound as we are bragging, but some of the first people who formed our design and development teams are still with us.

To quote our CEO, Boban Tanovic:

‘Life never goes to plan. Fuji opened the high street shop while we went on to build web applications. 10+ years on, we provided millions of pounds of services to the UK and global clients. We currently have around 60 of the best people in the industry. Many others have worked for us, learned the trade and gone to create their own ventures but the key people from the original crew are still with us. It was definitely a roller-coaster ride but it was worth it.’

#3 Agile Manifesto helps us do better and deliver better products

If you want to deliver a quality product, you should search for a way to boost efficiency in work and empower transparency in delivery.

For quite some time, we have been accomplishing excellence and quality with Scrum and Agile.

Lessons learned? Embrace the change & always think how you can be better at what you do.

#4 We give back to community and support great ideas

When we look back at our 10 years, we were always on a mission to give back to the community. Today, we are happy that we have had an opportunity to do so. 

Like Einstein once said: It is every man’s obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes.

#5 We design for people

We always keep in mind that real users don’t care about trends, fonts or shades. They only need a solution that makes their lives easier.

Our design was always recognized by many, like CSS build & CSS Gallery. Awards and acknowledgements we have received only prove that when you find a design solution for users, awards follow.

#6 We love Open Source

Choosing to work with Open Source technologies does not only mean you have a chance to give back to the community, but also to create a more giving and knowledge-sharing company culture.

#7 We launched our startup OrganicNet

All of us in Eton Digital believe in a world in which healthy organic food should be accessible and affordable to everyone.

Creating a platform that enables this opportunity was a natural step for us. OrganicNet directly connects those who produce organic food with those who want to eat and live healthy. 

We are happy to say that our mission was accepted by many, and our project recognized as an innovative business solution

We couldn’t ask for more. Big thanks to the entire OrganicNet team!

#8 10 years, hundreds of projects

What a journey! Since we started, our agency delivered hundreds of projects, worked on projects across different market sectors, and partnered with many startups and established brands.

These projects are the best confirmation of our team’s professionalism, commitment, and knowledge.

We couldn’t be more proud.


EtonDigital highlights of our team members

Looking back at our 10 years, we are honored and proud to have been able to work with amazing people and create not only great things, but exciting memories.

If we only double these numbers, we’ll be more than happy 🙂

#10 We are a company that turns co-workers into family

Our relaxing and a friendly working atmosphere do not only turn colleagues into close friends but even couples. 

So we can say that Eton Digital is truly a family company. 

EtonDigital coworkers and partners

This is a fantastic achievement for us, and we are looking forwards to celebrating many birthdays in the future.

THANK YOU to everyone who have been with us all this time!

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