Beginnings, CoinaPhoto Photography Competition

Friday, 16 January, 2015 Updated on Friday, 9 July, 2021 by Eton Digital team

We have recently introduced CoinaPhoto iOS app, and it has become our great pleasure to keep you updated with all events and news the photography social network has to offer to its users.

As a social network, CoinaPhoto is created as a platform where you get to share your passion for photography and your skills, building the networks of friends and followers, while being recognized for your work and rewarded for it in many ways.

With this in mind, CoinaPhoto started a new photography contest for those passionate about good photography.

As the name of the competition “Beginings” implies, the new photography competition challenges you to submit a photography that captures precisely the idea of the new beginnings. This creative photography contest gives you an opportunity to rethink the idea of the new year, and show your thoughts or emotions through a camera lens to, once again, explore your talents.

As always, there are great prizes for all of you who decide to participate in the competition, an Amazon vouchers, that is $500 for the first prize, $300 for the second and $200 for the third place.  The judges will choose their top 10 before the competition opens for the users to vote. The winning photographs will be decided on both the number of votes and the decision from the judges. The competition closes on 1st February, although the winner will be announced on 11th February.

If you are new to this network, take a look at this video:

If you wish to enter the competition, sign up using either your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram of Google+ account, or if you prefer, your email, and follow an easy guide that will get your through the network and the rules of competition.

With the new iOS app, it’s even easier to participate and upload your photos, thus, simply download the app and follow the steps.

More about the contest, check their blog.

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