The First Ad-Free, Revenue-Sharing Platform is on Kickstarter

The First Ad-Free, Revenue-Sharing Platform is on Kickstarter

Wednesday, 2 September, 2020 Updated on Tuesday, 2 April, 2024 by Eton Digital team

Personal data has become the biggest asset to sell. But, here’s the good news! Our latest project puts privacy back in your hands. Meet Fourview, a first social media that tends to bring us back the traditional way of using social media.

We partnered up with Fourview to develop a social network website which is the first-ever ad-free revenue-sharing platform where your data is not meant to be shared, ever. No ads mean no advertisers will be able to access your data, sell it, share it, or analyse it. 

First ad-free platform on a mission to end data commerce 

The fact is that whatever you do on social media, your activities, submitted logins and passwords, addresses, likes, and dislikes, every digital trace you leave behind – someone is eager to buy. 

The Fourview founder approached us with a clear idea of creating a niche network that will give users an experience of social media the way it used to be.

fourview social media platform

He wanted a social media platform that will give users the opportunity to stay connected. To engage and share safely online without being bombarded by adverts that can take over the feeds. 

We come up with a concept of a modern, accessible platform empowered with great customization features and compelling design. All waiting for development as Fourview needs backers’ support to continue with coding. 

All amazing Fourview social media features coming soon  

#1 Customize your profile

With Fourview you will be able to personalize your profile the way you like. You can set the tone and mood by choosing an appropriate song. Or you can just have fun combining short pieces of writing with fun customizable reactions. 

#2 Monetize your content

Aside from privacy and not having distractive ads, Fourview offers its users to generate income by continuing to do what they love and enjoy.

Influencers and other content creators can grow their community organically. Moreover, they can count on 30 percent of each monthly subscription for every user they invite to join the platform. 


Fourview is taking the value of social media out of the hands of advertisers, putting it back in the hands of its users, and enhancing that value even further.

At only $1/month, they share between 40 and 60 percent of your monthly subscription with charities of your choice, and with the people who help them grow, to come together in making the world a better place.

#3 Support a charity  

With Fourview, users will be able to do more and revive the true power of social media. 

When you join Fourview, you’ll be able to select a charity of your choice and we’ll donate 10 percent of your monthly subscription to support it.

#4 Promote a charity 

If you have a charity organization we will give you the opportunity to share your cause. You will be able to raise awareness about different issues you are advocating. 

Join Fourview invitation

As Fourview is not advertising-based you will be able to advocate your cause more effectively and reach more like-minded people. You can successfully grow and strengthen your community.

Designing the first ad-free platform 

The core idea of the design for this project is to revive social media the way it used to be – a safe place for sharing happy moments. Our goal was to create a user journey that invites visitors to enjoy their new private social media experience. 

To share that feeling we used the combination of dark navy and red-orange. We chose red-orange to be the ground color as orange reflects the energy and happiness. It represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, and determination. Our team added Fanfare green to enhance the UX and provide even better user flow.

Our team also considered that orange is highly accepted among young people. Plus, orange in the case of Fourview truly highlights the most important elements of the platform. 

A brand design that reflects safety and trustworthy

Besides designing the platform concept, our team had the chance to design a full Fourview’s corporate identity. We decided to go with an orange/white combination of colours for a flat and clean logo along with a Serif font.

The Serif font reflects a feeling of safety and something familiar which alignes perfectly with the message Fourview wants to send. 

Fourview social media platform

Following the brand’s goals, visuals for promoting the new platform on existing social media reflect the firmness of attitudes that gave birth to the idea with bold, modern, sans-serif typography accentuated with poster-like effects that are rarely seen in digital form.

Photography used tends to depict positive feelings that come with freedom of being at ease with the data the user chooses to share. The platform’s design concept is tailored to the present-day user with carefully thought out UX and contemporary and sleek UI.

On the way to Kickstarter!

To get the platform ready for the Kickstarter campaign, we developed the promotional landing page using WordPress CMS. At the moment, users are able to visit the promotional landing page and get the feel of the concept, design, and features of the first ad-free platform. 

fourview on kickstarter

Join the revolution of social media!

On September 1st, the campaign for building a Fourview ad-free platform will go live on Kickstarter and you can join and contribute to the development of all Fourview features. We invite you to check out the Kickstarter profile or to sign up as an early user on the platform.

For more information and how to sign up as one of the first users visit Fourview.

Learn more about our branding services and digital business consulting, as well as how to create a social network from scratch. Get in touch with our team.

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