Our Startup OrganicNet Wins Another Award

Our Startup OrganicNet Wins Another Award

Thursday, 6 October, 2016 Updated on Monday, 17 January, 2022 by Eton Digital team

We are delighted to share with you more good news about our startup!

After just six months, we have managed to pick up two important awards for our project, OrganicNet, the social marketplace for organic food.

The first award is the E-commerce award for the best local and regional e-commerce solution, and the second, the Finish Final Award, is awarded to OrganicNet as one of the best software products.  

In a joint event organized by the FIWARE accelerators FInish and SmartAgriFood, 26 teams were competing for the FInish Final Award. Our project is recognized as one of the best software products, while our team received praise as one of the best performing teams. This two-day event was also organized to mark and celebrate the final phase of the Future Internet Programme.

A few words about our journey

Our journey started about a year ago when the German FInish accelerator recognized the potential of our project and gave us a chance to realize the project. The private beta version was released in March when we opened up our platform to a limited number of users/producers. OrganicNet launched in April, and since then, we have seen remarkable results and gained a lot of support for the work we are doing.  

We have worked hard in support of our idea – to make healthy, organic food accessible and affordable to everyone –  and we are very proud that our hard work and dedication were recognized and awarded. 

finish-final-awardThe award ceremony was on the second day of the event where our founder, Boban Tanović and our director, Stanislava Stojanović – Novoselac received the award.


Serving the people and the planet

Our mission is to revolutionise the organic food market. We believe in a world in which healthy organic food and produce are accessible and affordable to everyone. Everyone has the right to know where the food we eat is produced and how. But, we do more than just connecting food makers and food lovers. OrganicNet stands for a healthy nutrition and lifestyle and supports the organic food movement. 

This award proves that we are on the right track to make a difference.

We would like to express our gratitude to everyone who helped and supported us. THANK YOU for believing in our idea. 

Hopefully, we will have more great news to share with you soon! We’re going to do our best to make things happen.

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