eton digital 2020 projects

Our 2020 Recap: From Going Remote To Many New Internal Projects

Wednesday, 23 December, 2020 Updated on Thursday, 24 February, 2022 by Eton Digital team

These past 12 months have been challenging for all of our colleagues and clients. We are so proud that we kept our teams high spirited and healthy, able to launch many successful projects, including a number of internal projects. 

We are finishing this year thankful, especially to our clients and partners who kept us busy and allowed us to bring to life many interesting ideas.

But first, let’s see what marked our 2020. 

In March we all went remote 

At that time nobody knew what the next day would bring. Because of it, we were all united in a decision to stay put and protect ourselves by working from home. It was a big decision and it required many changes and adapting to the new working environment.

Thanks to our amazing team leaders that shifting went smoothly. 

In spite of all challenges and complexities introduced with the spread of the pandemic this year, we have managed to continue growing our team and launch a dozen new online platforms and websites. This would not be possible without an awesome group of people that I have the privilege to work with, including both our team members and our business partners and clients. I am very grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such brilliant people in such a synergistic environment. This year is an homage to all of them, and true proof of our exceptional perseverance and devotion to what we are passionate about bespoke, user-friendly, and efficient digital solutions.

Damjan Gatarić, senior director
2020 recap

Being creative and productive is our drive force and because of it, we have something to look forward to in the year that comes. 

I’m so pleased about how we managed to keep the same productivity levels and dedication to our tasks and projects. I can say that over the years we created a truly efficient and flexible working process that works no matter where we are. Of course, all of my praises go to the team and their will to accept changes and stay dedicated as they used to no matter the circumstances. 

Stanislava Stojanović Novoselac, senior director

Besides managing projects, a part of our team had to organize tasks and provide the rest of the team with everything that is needed. When the team is remote, the hardest thing is to ensure enough equipment, licenses, and top-notch tools for working from home. 

The trustful, close, and friendly relationship we had in the office gave us enough space to create a relaxing yet productive working from home. The same relationship allowed us to take on a more challenging workload and easily overcome many obstacles and sometimes working late hours. We acknowledged once again how trust and appreciation are of great importance. Still, even though we have things work in order, I can’t wait for a day to have the team gathered in the office. 

Nikola Jovanović, project manager

And let’s not forget how our team member helped the community by being involved in a number of events, such as the GRID symposium, where they discussed challenges and opportunities for companies during pandemic.

A year of eLearning platforms 

This year was a busy one for us especially in the area of eLearning platform development.

We had a chance to work with several of the biggest organizations in the UK and create engaging eLearning projects for learning online, ensuring accessibility and attractive content for many professionals. 

According to our team in Niš, being trustful and friendly ensured all the productivity in the new normality we now work and live. 

We know how much each team leader and manager had on their plate, from keeping everybody’s spirit high to organizing many online meetings and tasks.

Getting used to working from home wasn’t too difficult. It was easy to adapt and execute the same working routine I previously had in the office. I love the flexibility of remote work, even though I miss the office environment where people are swirling around me.

Milan Kitanović, project manager

So many new internal projects

Two of our internal projects, EDeL and Coronavirus eLearning, were launched this year, confirming our expertise in designing modern microlearning platforms.

We managed to give our contributions and help fight coronavirus by creating one of our internal projects. Our team succeeded in developing a platform where younger generations could learn about the virus and how to protect themselves from getting sick. Coronavirus eLearning is still available to everyone, anywhere, for free.

We also had the opportunity to join amazing professionals and help them develop their eLearning business from the ground up. Our marketing team is now an important part of our company, allowing our clients to safely dive into digital waters. 

One word can describe the previous year – a process. Balancing personal and professional life was a tremendous learning experience. New circumstances set a stage for turning challenges into opportunities and priorities. Getting smarter and wiser is something we should appreciate.

Branislava Milosavljević, marketing director

Projects we wrapped 2020 with

We will remember this year by launching two great and complex projects Procurious and AURA. The result of an amazing partnership with the Procurious team, we have made a business social network that is empowering the procurement industry and is to be the most relevant and learning hub for everyone involved in procurement.

The idea for Aura started as a personal need of a man who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, sadly, a terminal illness and grew into an online sanctuary, a place for emotional and practical support.


We also had the pleasure to work with ITF Global once again. We have already collaborated on building a custom-made information hub for transport workers, and this year we worked on creating an intranet platform for their staff.

ITF intranet is designed to suit the needs of the ITF staff. Whether they need to access the latest news, check policies and guidelines, or to download some important forms – ITF employees use their intranet platform to perform all these tasks. In addition to this, they are able to access the rich media library which contains several types of content.

irrefutable health

After hundreds of sprints (and counting) we can proudly present you the most comprehensive medical software and booking platform, Irrefutable Health. We can proudly sat that IRH is the longest, sprint – counted project ever in our development history.

IRH is not only a booking platform but also a knowledge sharing hub that provides holistic health care services.

Looking back at 2020, I’m grateful for preserving good health for my loved ones and myself. Teams performed very well working remotely, although the office coffee breaks are missing pretty much! The communication was good and positive, which I believe is one of the most important factors for successful project delivery. Finally, this year’s unexpected circumstances showed us that we need to be as agile as possible in the planning and organization, including more factors for the risk assessment. Hopefully, the next year will be a bit less demanding in the challenges. 🙂

Marko Marović, project manager

Our WordPress 2020 project edition

Clutch Award – recognition for a successful year 

At the end of 2020, our team received another award from Clutch. We made the Clutch 1000 for 2020. which is a list of the 1,000 highest-ranking companies worldwide.

“I couldn’t be more thankful to everybody in the company. Their hard work, commitment, and initiative allowed us to collaborate with so many great people, organizations, and companies and receive so many good reviews that Clutch recognized.”

Boban Tanovic, CEO

Thank you and happy holidays!

We will end this 2020 recap relieved and happy that we managed to overcome many great challenges, remain busy, and wrap many complex projects – including quite a few internal projects. 

In 2021, we are looking forward to seeing all our colleagues gathered once again plan and work on the projects in the same room. Until then, our focus will be to stay healthy and productive as well as to nurture our team spirit the best way we can. 

From all of us at Eton Digital, we wish you a happy and healthy holiday season!

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